Thursday, December 20, 2007
That's exactly what December is like; and speaking of inner beauty, the stuffed turkey takes the crown. Was never a fan of the big ugly bird, yet I feasted on some over a Christmas dinner at a friend's turkey in town. Hah! I'm that easy when it comes to food, but yeah... it was good.
Funny how the stuffing on the INSIDE brings out the best of the big ugly bird. Okay, it's Christmas and I'll try to be at my best. But seriously, if it wasn't for the stuffing, the turkey would have tasted like any other roasted chicken, maybe just a li'l tougher. I was laughing to myself thinking "God, if my life was a feast offering to you, forget the ordinary; I'd want to be ...a stuffed turkey."
Not literally.
In a separate oven, shopping malls are stuffed with holiday-breathing folks. It's intriguing to find Christmas Carols being aired and reaching the masses through the mall radio networks. Subtle yet vocal :
"Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing"
Doing some gift shopping, I've come across folks from all shapes and color humming, whistling and even singing along to these seasonal hits. Are they all Christians? No, and it doesn't take a CSI expert to point it out either. Some clues are dead give-aways. Christians or not, that's not where I'm going. WHAT ARE YOU SINGING? Yeah. that's more like it.
My thoughts:
"If only they knew. If only You'd reveal Yourself to them."
"If only... you'd tell them about Me."
Snap. I've gotta hand it to Him...He's got it all worked out, as always. "Let every heart prepare Him room - Am I giving him room in my life? Many times we put Him in the hamster cage and pay Him a visit for our source of entertainment and comfort.
Walking past the "Self Help" section, I chuckle at the irony of it all. "Self Help" books are inspirational and motivating, helpful to an extent - no doubt about that, but the help ends on the last page. A thought just zapped in - "The only 'help book' folks need is the all-time best seller.
New Years' around the corner. New doors. New opportunities. New experiences. New problems. New beginnings; not RESOLUTIONS. Here's to a great year, and greater years to come!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Packed in a 100ml bottle and marketed worldwide, "NEW" would be the world's hottest cologne. New shoes, new cars, new houses ... everyone loves NEW! New doors have the same impact. Opening new doors often stirs anticipation, the hidden possibilities, untapped abilities. Unwrapping a surprise gift is just priceless. What's beneath inside is a whole other story.
This year, I opened a couple of new doors.
Door - 1 : AYA
It's been a great 9 months working here. Really believe in their vision, mission, and call towards young people. Not too many folks get to say, "Hey, my Pastors' are my bosses!" An amazing couple leading and believing in a great team. I wouldn't say its been an easy ride, but it's a journey I wouldn't trade, not even on!
Door - 2 : Blogging
Oh wow, that totally blew the anticipation off the door knobs. But yeah, I started blogging. It takes some pumping energy, alot of determination and a dab of excitement or boredom to get this thing going. Hats off to those who do it on a daily basis - they deserve... a hat labelled 'Blog Champion'? Speaking my thoughts brings perspective; serving them with words and often brings clarity. I'm still learning.
Door - 3: Songwriting
Well, I kinda opened the door a year ago, but I just nosed around by poking my head in occasionally. But this year, I've decided to give a go at this. Thank you God for opening it. It's been a real interesting journey this far, not that I've written any Grammy Nominee material, but I'm learning what works, what doesn't, what connects and stuff like that. Learning to not just focus on my whims, but zooming into the listener(s).
I closed one major door for this year:
Door - 4: Futsal
Futsal has been a part of my life for 7 years. Never thought I'd give it up this easy. I guess when it comes down to choosing health and cringing at the thought of tearing a ligament again, I'd pick the couch where potatoes sprout. Friday nights have never been quieter. I've got to find an alternative, Nintendo Wii? Aha.
Sometimes I wish these doors were made out of see-through glass. But, then again, where's the fun in that? I think I'll opt for guessing the secret passwords.
Open Sesame!
Monday, October 1, 2007
'Everyone dies. It's a dice roll between sooner and later; it's not so much how you leave earth, but how you live on earth.'
I picked up a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie". Excellent read, I must say. Pictures speak a thousand words , but sometimes thousands of words paint better pictures, yah? Mitch Albom, in his best seller, definitely puts life into perspective as he unearths the "taboo" - death.
How would I face death? The T-Junction of extremes, I'd either..
1. Embrace it with arms wide open. It's about time I got to see my Maker.
2. Deny the reality of it and run away from it - like a little girl playing hide-and-seek.
Holding that thought, I decided to pull out the dvd, "Me Vs. Death" and hit the play button.
Me vs. Death : Part 1
At 4, intrigued with the circus...I decided to do my own balancing act with little beads on my nose. Tilting my head back and balancing a bead on one of my nostrils, I had an remarkable idea to launch it into the air. On the count of 3 : One, two....*takes a deep sniff in. Oops. "Bead in the hole, bead in the hole." I was rushed to the hospital, and tubes were shoved down my nose...took a couple of minutes before the bead received its thunderous applause as it made its way out of my nostrils. That kinda ended my circus career.
Me vs Death : Part 2
If I were a fish, I'd probably be a starfish - buried deep and washed ashore. Not much of a swimmer, having sensitive ears didn't help. My ears and water don't get along too well, once the water gets kinda creates an ocean in my ears and never comes out but by force. Hence, the use of earplugs. At a youth retreat, I found myself in a pool looking for one of my earplugs which popped out. The next moment, I'm having leg cramps, and begin to sink. As Celine Dion grabbed the microphone, I noticed a whale(of a friend) coming towards me. Man, I was never so glad to see Henry. I grabbed on to his neck and..I was back on the surface. *Thanks Henry. Even if it wasn't a conscious effort.. you're a merman - a lifesaver.
Me vs Death : Part 3
With Sports Day around the corner, school folks were busy, the teachers were preoccupied. What an opportunity to skip classes for a day. At 17, a driver's license was a good enough escape plan. Three young students putting on our Fast & Furious minds, set out to 'drift' the windy roads on a hill. First 2 bends were clocked at 90kmph. It was time to set a 'new record' - being in the passenger's seat, I cheered my driver mate on. Pulling the handbrakes at 110kmph, on a hilltop - unwise. Having spun out of control, we were headed off the cliff. This was it . "3 School-Skipping Students Killed in Freak Car Accident" was ready to make its headlines on the news, if not for a small milestone on the side of the road. We're alive. "Let's head on to Mc D's to celebrate!". * Lesson learnt : Skipping school....bad.
My 'close encounters' with death, are miles apart from clenching award-winning-blockbuster titles. I'll embrace death,but till its time, not denying the possibility of it... I've decided to celebrate LIFE.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Sundays. "Day of rest", "Sabbath", "Sleep-in-day"; whatever its called, it sounds good. I found myself reflecting on the life I'm living, and there's no better day then Sunday; the end of a week, the beginning of another.
It's probably one of mankind's greatest gift, the mind. Seated comfortably in church on Sunday, I'm nodding in response to the preacher who's preaching his heart out, but I couldn't help but take a good look around. If there was a giant LCD screen projecting our thoughts, scanning the congregation would be like flipping through TV channels - shows like 'Saturday Night Rewinds' and 'Whats for Lunch Today?' among many others would be airing LIVE in their heads.
I could help but realise that in those few seconds, I had ventured into my very own reality TV show. Guilty of being on a taking a mind trip that Sunday, I confess and repent of my sinful ways. Buy Message-to-Go, I shall.
Sunday Service in a box. 'Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so' , a Sunday School classic. Do I love Him? If I were a book, would my stories tell of my love for Him? I begin to go further in thought...the Sunday Mentality.
the lies
Sunday Service...
- It's like going for to the movies. High expectations? I might be let down terribly. It's best to have zero expectations, in that way I might pleasantly surprised.
- Its burning a hole in my pocket. Worship was alright, here's my dollar. Impress me with heartfelt video clips and I just might take up the Missions Pledge.
- My weekly Stand Up Comedy dose. Humour me, dear Pastors & Leaders. I've had a long week already, The Bible's a great bunch of stories, but I need something closer to home.
- A wardrobe change. It's bound to get people to notice me. Speaking of Sunday best, I am. I've got a new mask and great smile, no one's perfect in church anyway.
- Wish List. Attended church on Sunday...check! God is pleased now. Ahem. "Hey God, you've got to get me that Ipod. I really want it. "
- expect nothing, I get nothing.
- My money isn't actually mine...I'm a steward of what He has given me.
- I need the Truth more than just humour. The truth may hurt, but the Truth also sets me free.
- Sunday Service isn't about me. Changes on the inside matters more & no one is perfect, but Jesus is the benchmark.
- Having a great relationship with Him is what matters most, not being religious.
The Sunday Mentality? There's only one mindset I should strive to put on ...the mind of Christ. He created the SUN, He numbers our DAYS. He deserves my best on Sundays. He deserves my best.
Friday, August 17, 2007
I love the sky. I just rediscovered that yesterday. There's just something about them that gets to me, and I can't quite put my finger on what that exactly. It could be the fact that clouds are like floating play-doh, they look great in frames and photos, or a tempting endless supply of cotton candy.
People often look to the sky for 'signs'. Some get rainbows, others get alphabets, words and even illustrations! I'm just a sucker for something that just blows my mind. They kinda remind me that it's okay to not have everything figured out. We all need a li'l of life's mysteries to bring us back to the fact that we're not really in full control. Avid gamers, fans of Warcraft, even the Sims ; you get to control your 'world' - sorta like a God-role. But if you were literally held accountable for each life, meet every need and tend to every detail including hunger pangs, you'd think twice...heck, a zillion times before taking on the role. "With great power comes great responsiblity" suddenly ain't that cool a phrase anymore.
Not in full control? - Hey, it ain't that bad. Looking up to the sky keeps me on ground. It serves not just as great post-it reminder that I'm responsible for what I'm entrusted with on earth, but a pillow of comfort knowing that I'm in great hands.
Speaking of great hands... I've developed biceps. Wait, a bicep. Forget dumbells, crutches are the next gym toys - they work wonders!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Its thrilling to find that as humans we've made it freakishly far, messing around with science, which is really like a sponge that could never be squeezed dry. Speaking about sponges, I remember talking to a friend once about .. CURIOUSITY. Some say its a divine gift, others point their fingers toward dead cats. Stretching the limits, walking on the borders - we'll just hit the "unity" button on this and agree that curiousity achieves something : it gets your lazy ass off the couch.
I was a curious li'l kid. At 5, I recall watching a dear ol' uncle of mine, (he's a great guy) take great big puffs out of his big black pipe, the smoke ocassionally finding its way into my nostrils. What on earth was that thing? Big bro & I were regulars at this uncle's house, as my parents occasionally left us in his care as they occasionally went for child-free(hassle-free) occasions. That day arrived. When dear ol' uncle had hurriedly left to answer a phone call upstairs. A real long phone call, I guess. The pipe sparkled. It was still brewing, we could tell from the smoke. Big bro & I looked at each other. He grabbed it, devoured it and passed it on to me. What a great brother! In my head... I was already tasting Chup a Chups' & Melody Pop. Here goes.
* vomit .
That's exactly what we did. It tasted so bad, that we had indigestion and had to be put to bed early. Dear ol' uncle sorta figured out we had our mouths on his precious pipe. Cut the long story short, Curiousity must have had its bests laughs in months. Lesson learnt : Don't smoke.
I always wondered why I was never drawn to cigarrettes, but it kinda hit me just looking at the ashtray laid in front of me at a 'mamak. I was probably traumatised. A hidden scar. Right there, I was also curious to know why I wasn't drawn to beer, and ..let's just say, that's whole other chapter.
Curiousity. Sometimes, its just a matter of leading it on the right path, pulling the breaks before the lights turn red *(heck do it when its orange). Other times, its best to stay clear, to stay far away. Don't sulk over 'what might have been', just keep moving. Yeah, I guess that's exactly what it does : Curiousity gets you moving; moving forward or backward - that's the next step.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
She's alot like the girl-next-door. There's just something different about her. She may not be a blonde, but her smile is just captivating. She's multi-talented. She's independent. She's cultured. She may not wear the most expensive dress, but she looks good in nearly anything. People love being around her. Caught with a punctured tire, she ain't afraid to get her hands dirty. In fact, if you happen to be walking home, she might just offer you a ride. Just when you think you've got her all figured out, she'll amaze you with her appetite, better yet - her love for food. She's just full of surprises, ones that just draw you closer to her. At her front door, she already makes you feel .. at home.
Putting patriotism into perspective, the stats prove we made it big time on the global map - mainly for piracy & suspected linkage to terrorism. Hah - just what we need, a distorted mirror from the ol' Haunted House. Yay..we're a blip on the world's radar, now it's a matter of reflecting who we really are, and what we have to offer. Having faith in Malaysia, believing in ourselves.
We ain't terrorist, we're the BOMB. It's time we step out, blow mindsets and impact nations.
This whole thing about being an INFLUENCE has gotten me all riled up, in a good way. Yeah, there's a place for stoners in the world, but I guess it's a real small corner. Just living life today, what kind of impact would I have on tomorrow? A legacy isn't something you pick up at the 7-Eleven store next door, it's something you leave behind. I guess this is where the beatitudes kick in.
“You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.” - Saint Augustine
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I wasn't kidding...I did grab a donut. Can't believe the Simpsons are actually making it to the big screens. I couldn't resist checking out their site online and, man...they've got a great one! Being a fan of the americanized Korean art characters, I decided to go one step further :

that's me!
Alright, now I feel connected! It was an itch i had to scratch. The website's cool, the mini-games, downloads and stuff...worth checking out - they just made my day, sorta night actually. Now i can have a good night's rest. Woohoo!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Life Party hit it off well on REWIND, but for now...I'd love to sink myself in a hot tub and click the PAUSE button. Just one of those days, I guess. I know I'm gonna get boo-ed and dunked into some trash can, but the TRANSFORMERS fad just gets me to literally Laugh Out Loud. Don't get me wrong, I love Transformers - its the people that are driving me nuts.
Seriously. Watching 20-30 year olds having a conversation about the movie & its origins, the ringtones and mp3s, the wallpapers, the T-shirts, the's intriguing. We ain't that far from the first caveman discovering fire. We're easily amused, but maybe that's a good thing! Someone who walks out of the cinema muttering "alright lah"deserves to be repeatedly punched in the face for trying to be different or for just having bad taste. [Hope that convinced you that I'm a fan of the robots]
Being old-fashioned suddenly ain't so bad after all. We just have to spunk it up a li'l by giving it a cool name : RETRO , create some hype and ... RETRO is IN! Amazing huh? Bet the older folks never saw this coming, else e-bay would be flooded with 'mint-condition' perishables. Oh wait, maybe the e-bay thing was their idea. Man, they're a brilliant bunch.
Recalling a conversation with Ps.Kenneth the other day, he brought up an excellent point - 'Someone had to say it was IN', or 'cool'. The power of influence. Paris Hilton could make a purse or handbag a girl's next To-Buy-List, even though in a practical could only fit a couple of dollars into it - which then again would fit perfectly into pockets in your jeans. So in fact, you actually don't need the purse, but it's cool. Again, fashion statements are great, but blame Paris for the rising victims of snatch thieves. Wearing "Bling" achieves its purpose in capturing everyone's attention...everyone ;)
Influence - I guess it's a lot like sugar. You could coat nearly anything & everything & make em' taste sweet. But whether it tastes good, that's a whole other story. What influences me? Who influences me? Who do I influence? What sort of influence am I?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Just putting these 3 words together would have anyone & almost everyone yell - “Yeah right.” A great one liner for aspiring stand-up comedians. Just uttering them would be one way to get shipped off to join Tom Hanks on his li’l
The Bachelor's rendition of "It Ends Tonight"
Well, at least we know for a fact that this is friend’s straight - now that he’s a married man - A whole new chapter where he fits into the shoes of a husband, and one day … the cute baby Nike shoes for his kids.
I recall reading a li’l story on a couple that prayed & toiled day and night for their dream wedding. It was a blast – everything was according to plan & picture perfect. The newly weds praised God…and He replied “Great wedding! Now please invite me into your marriage.” A good reminder that it’s important to have Him in every area & detail of my life, not just the ones which are out of my reach.
Back to good, clean fun... we gotta stuff it into a time capsule - It's on the verge of extinction.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The pigs took Tony Fernandez's words, "Now everyone can fly" seriously. It's high time they got their flying privileges . Seeing them all buckled up and comfortable with the red caps in mid-air, I guess it's about time for me to attempt to walk the talk : talking with my mind and walking with my fingers. Although the fingers tend to get fat, & the mind... a li'l lazy, they're a great couple. You'll be aquainted soon enough.
Monday reflections often are filled with the "I can't wait for the weekend' vibes, but somehow this week, the weekdays are like vibrating atoms. Something I caught this morning :
"Faith is like an elevator. You've got to step in, press the button to get to the level you want to get to, wait patiently..and step out."
The the level of faith you want to reach is entirely & literally in the power of your hands. Your faith will begin to rise to greater heights when you activate the top level buttons. As you wait in anticipation to reach these levels, keep those hands together (in prayer). Finally, as the elevator doors slide open, step out and receive your breakthrough!
Man... this is one exciting week! The elevator's headed up alright :)